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‘To the Bay …’

PICTURESQUE TORBAY, a local heritage art project that brings ‘To the Bay …’ to the Projection Room. The exhibition runs from the 3rd to the 7th December and is open daily 10am - 2pm.    

‘To the Bay ...’ includes a range of art explorations in various forms by guest artists and features latest works by contemporary landscape painter Claire Jo Harmer including ‘en plein air’ and  preparatory sketches alongside her paintings inspired by visits to Saltern Cove and other Paignton coastal spots. 

Inspired by connections with loved ones - the Picturesque Torbay project is so rooted in relationship, and this Paignton exhibition asks the artists and visitors to reflect on and consider their own experiences with the view ‘To the Bay …’ from Paignton and what it means to them.  

As you explore the exhibition you will see how the artists have expressed their personal connection ‘To the Bay ...’ and .will be invited to take time to reflect and interact by creating your your own postcard piece for the exhibit. Claire is leading a workshop on 3rd December called ‘If I Were To Paint You A Picture’, more information here.

Picturesque Torbay is brought to you by Cabbage Tree Studio CIC 'Art for connection, expression & discovery', founded by Claire Jo Harmer. The project encourages community participation inspired by views of Torbay through the eyes of artists past and present.

Share your Picturesque Torbay works with #picturesquetorbay. Keep up to date on FREE art workshops and more @cabbagetreestudio on Facebook and Instagram. 

Visit or call Claire on 01803 341041 to find out how to get involved!

 ‘To the Bay …’ is donating 10% of purchases to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution.

 Torbay’s Local Heritage Grant Scheme is a collaboration between Torbay Council, Torbay Culture, and the English Riviera UNESCO Global Geopark, and made possible thanks to investment from The National Lottery Heritage Fund.

3 December

If I Were To Paint You A Picture

6 December

Court Room Roast